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May 22, 2018

Project Context




European project

More Info

  • Country of the applicant: France
  • Countries of the partner organisations: Spain, Germany

Project Context




European project

More Info

  • Country of the applicant: France
  • Countries of the partner organisations: Spain, Germany

Lead Organisation Information

Name of the lead organisation

France Nano Sports

Type of the lead organisation

National Sport Association


  • Type (public, private, etc): Public
  • Name of the funding programme: Erasmus +, KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals, Youth Exchanges
  • Amount: NA

Type of activity

Concrete activities / learning mobility scheme


Sport and Physical Activities

Description of the initiative

  • Aim of the project:: fighting prejudices using sport as a medium
  • As part of a social cohesion initiative, this event aims to create a collective, multicultural dynamic and interaction between people with disabilities and people with disabilities.
  • For the most part small, it is an opportunity to go beyond linguistic, social and geographical barriers with sporting, cultural and social activities. It is above all a multicultural and intergenerational meeting both sporting and cultural and it responds to the philosophy of the European Agency Erasmus + France Youth & Sport combining social bond, living together and citizenship.
  • 3 major themes derive from the program.
    A large part of the activities was dedicated to sports initiation (climbing, basketball, badminton, football, rugby touch). Most of them were taken care of by the hosts of the host city. The second component consisted of ice breaking activities (to break the ice in a playful way) to build a common foundation and finally a final component dedicated to cultural activities. A large part of the young people were foreigners and were able to discover France via activities such as a cocktail party organized by young people, a visit to the Louvre or a ballad in fly boats.
  • Our goals were to change the view of others on the difference and especially on small people. The interactions with the other young people (the able ones), the elected officials of the city, the volunteers were occasions to bring each of them to have a reflection on what concerns him in the differences and the change of look.

Beneficiaries Information


    • NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 50 young participants aged 17 to 30.

    About The Mobility Experience

    Country visited & duration

    • Country(ies) visited: France
    • Duration: 5 days

    Factors of success

    • Quality of the partnership
    • Practical and easy-to-use support to the learner
    • Support from the Erasmus + France Youth & Sport Agency

    Testimonial from a participant

     “It was an amazing experience. “Maybe it was going to be better than everyone else, was time to leave.”


    “I felt a brotherhood”


    “I was so surprised we had the same vision about the difference, whatever the culture”


    Other important information and feedback about the good practice

    • The German group wants to reiterate the experience as soon as possible by being the host and by putting both the mix of Able/Disabled and cultural at the heart of the program.

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